The Good Taste Guide

A definitive vegan companion to New York City

Pierogi Boys

Dekalb Market Hall, Downtown Brooklyn

Eastern European food

Taste:  SGFI  

Value:  Fine  

Booze: Nah

Something Going For It — if you really want beetroot salad

Vegan Eastern European food at Pierogi Boys in Downtown Brooklyn, New York


Back into the hellscape of Dekalb Market Hall. The things I do for you.

So this pierogi place, they have exactly one vegan thing on the menu, roasted beet salad, which is a small side for $4 + tax. They have a big label on it saying that it's vegan. I don't know why they have it. What idiot would go to a pierogi place and be like "oh the only thing they have is beet salad, I guess I'll get that", in the middle of a food hall with tons of options. Me, that's who. I am clearly the sole market for the vegan advertising for this place.

It's fine. It's beet salad. It's not amazing, it's not bad. It's a bit sweet from some apples or some shit. If you really want a smallish portion of beet salad for like $5, get it. Leave me alone.

Last sampled 15th January 2022.

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